Thứ Sáu, 22 tháng 11, 2013

Hotel in Hoi An players. VFF forcing CLUBS to Kien Giang Province charged 2. 394 billion for 7 hotel in Da Nang.

KG'll debt qifu gangui again that has not known up to now

 VFF forcing CLUBS to Kien Giang Province charged 2. 394 billion for 7 players.

KG has  Hotel in Da Nang  the right to appeal to Ban NFL complaints VN In Exchange for motthegioi. KG pay more money Player 7 2 billion If what Mr. VFF for the season 2014. The VFF needs a text sent to the PPC and the MCI & DL Kien Giang to emphasize the enforcement of the decision and suggested local leaders have launched support TEAMS resolve.

11. 11. If there is then solved for the players as determined by VFF. VFF forced K. VFF will resolve the case on the basis of the existing record However. KG be paid for 7 players on the two-month salary payment and money transfer fees remaining the slowest is on 10.

2013 the same menu and submit documentation of 7 players suggest soccer Corporation (K. The CLUB K

 VFF forcing CLUBS to Kien Giang Province charged 2. 394 billion for 7 players.

Maybe don't complain nothing anymore because THEY are short of money about roast rrõ player complaints.

2013. Within 7 days of receipt. Hong said the possibility of 7 players hotel in Da Nang get money is very low and the CLUB K. Vn this afternoon. The attempted appointment with the brothers again but now pay. After receiving the emergency bridge Menu.

I will say on the Office to check mail and mail. If the deadline. Once the money is pouring down can pay for players and if not then just keep waiting languished. Avoid bad influence to the football Viet Nam. 10; 05

 VFF forcing CLUBS to Kien Giang Province charged 2. 394 billion for 7 players.

So   cham islands tour  tham khảo ở đây  far as the time limit but the VFF has  Hotel in Hoi An  yet to receive any text of the Club. 2013. The past few days.

Do. I have also continued Hotel in Hoi An to send a new text for the PPC leadership. VFF has sent four dispatches on 24 10; 31.

12. KG and 7 players so the VFF has a decision the CLUB K. But if as you say. Mr Cheung Hong Bar CLUB GENERAL MANAGER said: "I have not received any official would of CAUGHT a few days ago. Dispatches again. Department of VH-TT & DL and BOD with the words are very powerful and can say is heavily recommended to resolve this money thing But still haven't found an answer at all "

 VFF forcing CLUBS to Kien Giang Province charged 2. 394 billion for 7 players.

Though. 11 and 11. Chen Shou Sheng-PV) for his consideration. Because of financial problems now were no longer in control of the club that is at the higher level. With the total amount is 2. KG CLUB) said comments in writing and provide the relevant documents regarding this CLUB has not paid out to the players named on two-month salary and transfer money left over at the latest is November 15.

394 billion. Dispatch of the VFF sent TEAMS K. I will report it to the Chairman (Mr. Menu suggestions and submit documentation of 7 players on.

If there is no money. Just text the VPF.

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